Project and Plans for 2007-08
New Initiatives with CAPART (Ministry of Rural Development)
Sacred Heart Society (SHS) has been shortlisted as CAPART Nodal NGO for Mizoram and once the proposal gets the nods of CAPART National Standing Committee (Delhi) the Sacred Heart Society shall be engaged in promoting smaller NGOs/CBOs in rural unserviced areas of Mizoram.
As a Nodal NGO Sacred Heart Society will be allowed to take up minimum of three projects for rural community development in Mizoram simultaneously by CAPART.
Sacred Heart Society would focus on improving services, governance, and promote community self help in the yet to be serviced rural villages of Mizoram.
- Advisor (P)
Agencys' 10 Years Strategy Development 2007-2013
SHS has undertaken an Organisational Development process (OD) in consultation with CSCD (Centre for Social Change & Development) and coordinated through SHS Advisor (P) to come out with a clear organisational Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategies for resource mobilization, human resource management, program growth and sustainability.
The exercise focuses on the thematic areas:
- Organisational Growth, Sustainability and Visibility.
- Program Growth to address core vulnerable and marginalised areas of Mizoram
- Financial sustainability and management: resource mobilization, social investment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Government partnership, micro-enterprise promotions, etc.
The process would be completed by June 2007 and from July 2007 onwards SHS would be a learning and developmental focus organisation.